Wednesday, August 20, 2014

August Update

Hi! Summer has gone by so fast, and now it's almost over. I've had a pretty great summer. :D How was everyone else's?

I've been working a lot on piano these couple of months. I finished learning Serenade by Schubert, but I'm not sure whether it's the full version or the theme... I might post it sometime. I've also gotten a bit further in Ballade No. 1, and it's going pretty well. :D  I'm so excited to just even be learning it... It's one of my most favorite pieces ever. I have also been trying to sight read a lot of pieces, and for sure I've gotten better at it. I'm not nearly as slow as I used to be. One of the other pieces I've been working on is Waltz No. 3 by Brahms. :D

I know I don't really post many updates or new videos, and I may not be doing so too often anyway, but maybe at least once a month. I'll be more busy this time of year, since I'll actually be starting school tomorrow. I hope to be getting a piano teacher soon... Let's hope it works out. :D

That's all I really have to say for today. :)

God bless, and until next time,

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