Friday, June 29, 2012

Nocturne in C Sharp Minor!

Hey all! I finally uploaded this! Please read this before you listen to the song: Okay, so first off I have a keyboard, not a piano. Sorry about that weird clicking sound. Also, since I have a keyboard (66 keys) there's not the full 88 keys, which was why I had to switch some of the notes. Another thing, sorry about the part towards the end where I messed up on the left hand... I wanted to film this before all my siblings got home (3 of them. 1 stayed home with me) because they're always so loud. Anyway, I hope you understand some of the problems I had and still enjoyed it. :)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Natalia and Bella: Bloopers and clips that never made it

These are videos that never made it to an episode of Natalia and Bella. Some of them Bella filmed. Enjoy!

And until my next post!


Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Sorry! I never got around to filming any videos. It can be quite hard to get the music to sound good, especially in a long song. I will hopefully film something soon. No promises though. Right now I decided to try Emily Bear's SpiƱata, but I'm not finished with it. I composed another piece, haven't named it yet... I'm also thinking of starting to give piano lessons so I can earn some money. Since I never learned music theory when I first started piano, it gives me some problems. I can read music, but sometimes it's hard for me. I can't read music instantly, which is why I memorize the pieces instead. I'm going to learn more music vocabulary! 
