Saturday, July 27, 2013

An Update!

Hello everyone! If you haven't already seen, here is Invention 8.

According to someone on YouTube, I made "quite a few mistakes." Obviously I knew that. Bach is pretty hard to record well. But at a later date I will re-upload a lot of videos.

For the month of August, I may not record anything. We are having some construction done in our house, so that may not give me any time to practice piano until 6:00 at night.

I really appreciate all of you who have supported Criserl and I through thick and thin! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! I can never tell you how much I appreciate every single view! :D

I recently was pondering thoughts about having a musical career when I'm older, and realized that I probably will not do so. I mean, I love music so much, but to do it as a career would be very hard. I already have many critics, so I don't want to even imagine how it would be if I were a well-known pianist. Plus I just probably would like to keep music as a side type of job/hobby. I'm going to be starting the 3rd year of high school this year, and I'll have to be thinking about colleges and such soon.... :)

I am not really sure what to be doing with music right now. It's summer and I get busy or sidetracked by other things, and haven't been practicing music like I did before. The only pieces I've even been REALLY working on are Peralada and the 3rd Movement of the Tempest Sonata. By the end of August I will probably put together a list of what pieces I will need to complete and finish them.

Once again, thank you all for putting up with my ever-changing schedule of music. :)  You all mean so much to me!


p.s. I started a new blog about everyday things. Here's the link: "Tales from the Journey Through Life"   :)

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