Sunday, December 30, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to everyone!

 I really want to thank you all so much for being supportive and reading our blog. It means so much. We have almost reached 3,000 views! So exciting!!

I've learned a lot this year. From life to music, it's all changed. I really do see that I've gotten so much better with music than I had been earlier this year. I think that Emily Bear's music helped give me more technique, and also helped me with my own compositions. I thank God so much for all of you who are readers of our blog. If there weren't any viewers, I probably wouldn't be doing this. So once again, I want to thank you all.

                                           My original compositions went from this:

                                                     To this:

Happy New Year, and God bless! For sure I will be uploading in the new year!!



  1. We readers look forward to better compositions next year!!

    P.S When is the waltz ready? :P

    Happy New Year:):)

    1. I have no idea when the waltz will be done... I haven't worked on it for weeks... Shows how much of a procrastinator I am. lol

      Happy new year!!!

    2. What got you interested in starting out this waltz?
      Hope to be able to see it soon:)

      Is there any plans for 2013, like any piece you have planned to work on?

  2. Happy New Year!

    You really made great improvements:)

    Can the both of you blog about your New Year Resolutions??
