Monday, June 16, 2014

June updates -Criserl


I'm currently on holiday and school will resume in 2 weeks time. The concert that I had 2 days ago was amazing! Really grateful for everyone who turned up. :) I would also like to thank Team JJCOify, Ms Janet from Piano Melody, my friends and family. 

Bach Invention No.14 - I've learned this piece for quite a long time ago and I finally found time to upload it!

Mozart Fantasie in D minor - This piece was part of my repertoire for the 15 June Concert. 

I hope you enjoy my music.

Can't wait to blog again next time.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

June Update!! -Viviana

Hiiii!!! :D

So, I finished Mazurka in C and also Sonatina in G by Beethoven. Now I'm just working on the Romanze part of the Sonatina. I was trying to see what else I should work on, so I'm thinking Waltz in A-Flat by Chopin. :D  I'll try to get a recording of those two pieces I finished, although I think the Sonatina will be uploaded first.

Any ideas on what else I should learn that isn't too long?

That's pretty much all for news. XD

God bless!!!
